Friday, September 21, 2012

You Don't Have To Be Unbreakable To Launch A Comic Book

As the title states, you don't have to be unbreakable to launch a comic book, you only have to be unstoppable. The comic book industry is competitive with many talented, creative professionals struggling for the opportunity to be discovered. To add to the challenge, there are comic book super powers like Marvel and DC that continuously publish the classics that most us still love and enjoy. However, the true lifeblood of the comic book industry are fresh ideas and innovation. While people enjoy the classics, they also always appreciate something new and excited.

What does it mean to be unstoppable? It means to be resilient in the face of defeat, to be determined to see your idea through to success. To be unstoppable is to take a new approach when the first three attempts don't work out. You must be creative and use your imagination to "think outside the word." The phrase "think outside the word," is a way of life; if you choose to tap into your imagination, your possibilities of success become limitless. "Think outside the word," and you will no longer see any of your unfulfilled efforts as failures. All attempts at success must be labeled as learning opportunities because you learn what works or does not work. Always remember: every "no" leads you closer to "yes."

The story of Dr. Seuss (Theodor Seuss Geisel) is an inspirational one. Seuss is a well-respected writer of children books and a positive example of resilience and the rewards to be reaped. Dr. Seuss was turned down twenty-nine times by publishing companies before he published his first book. What a tragedy it would have been if he gave up at after the first try. I cannot imagine a world without "Green eggs and ham," can you? The leaders in the creative industries likely all faced rejection in some form, and the reason they are accomplished is due to their determination to achieve their goals. You must channel your inner determination and find creative ways to launch your comic book idea.
I was fortunate enough to experience Comic-Con 2012 in Chicago with VIP access. It was a great learning experience. I was able to see icons of the industry up close, like Stan Lee, and even local comic-book artists who were successfully selling their books. The one thing they all had in common, no matter their level of success, was a positive attitude. No matter what challenges or issues you are confronted with as you go about pursuing a career in comic books, remember to stay optimistic-it is key to your success.

It is a great idea to seek out help and support on areas you may be weak in, but you should never let yourself be defeated by your weakness. There are many professionals that offer services to enhance your talents and creativity. You are not a marketing expert, but you are simply a search engine away from finding a professional service that can help you. Need to find a publisher, a writer, an editor, or an illustrator? Search engines make research fast and efficient. I am sure you've heard the expression "time is money"-that statement is true. It is wiser to pay someone to fulfill the task that you are not strong in rather than to waste time doing the same things over and over until you figure it out. You may be surprised to see how much time you save by purchasing services that complement your skill set and push you closer to your goals.

You must know your strengths and exploit them to the fullest extent. My strengths include my active imagination, optimistic attitude, and my marketing aptitude. What are your strengths? Write them down and decide how you can use them to get your comic books in the hands of readers all over the globe. After you complete this list, create another list of the areas you need to seek outside help for so you can achieve your goals more efficiently. When failure is no longer a part of your vocabulary, success is your only option.

Remember to set yourself apart from the competition by working more efficiently than others and by using your strengths as an advantage. It is a smart idea to seek out assistance in the areas in which you are not as strong. Attend industry events such as Comic-Con and observe the behavior of the successful professionals in the comic industry and learn from them. Remember that statistics is on your side and the more "no's" you hear the closer you are to a "yes." Just imagine how much more pleasurable it will be to hear that resounding "yes" amongst the many "no's" of the past. Your imagination is your magic-use it to creatively problem solve and to work beyond barriers. Most importantly, always "think outside the word."

You should leave your thoughts and comments below. Thank you:)

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