Thursday, May 23, 2013

Qetesha (Tesha) New Examiner Title

Qetesha (Tesha) new examiner title follows. If you like the article subscribe for updates.

The opening reception for the “In a Perfect World” exhibit was held at the Beverly Art Center on May 17, 2013 (7:00 pm-9:00 pm). The exhibition showcases the art of four artists whose works are influenced by nature. The artists explore humanity’s experience with spirituality and the natural elements. The exhibit has depth and range, as the viewing audience experiences the perspectives of four different artists’ interpretations of the same subject matter. Nature is a rich source of inspiration and the four artists who contributed their paintings to the “In a Perfect World” exhibit use their imaginations to transport viewers to an imaginative place.

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Monday, May 6, 2013

Special Olympics 2013 at Thornwood High School

The Special Olympics Area 7 Spring Games took place on May 4, 2013. It was a wonderful event with a large number of volunteers, special Olympic athletes, and fans in attendance. The Games provided an excellent opportunity to volunteer, network, and meet like-minded individuals. The day was filled with enthusiasm, excitement, and camaraderie.

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