Saturday, September 7, 2013

Tesha Haynes New Ezine Article

Artists, how important are credentials? If you said very important, you would be accurate. In order to have vibrant creative career it is essential to earn a college degree or a professional certification. It is vital to have a well-crafted portfolio website. A career in the arts is highly competitive. You should always think up ways to out class your completion. Success comes to those who earn it.

Article Source:

Friday, September 6, 2013

Examiner Career Article

Check out the following article for useful career advice.

In life, many of us have heard some form of the following statement: “Dress for the job you want, not just the one you are paid for, and you will get promoted.” What does this really mean? It means ambition is good and will likely be rewarded by your company’s leadership team. Success goes to those who seek it out.

Click on the following link for the entire article.

Click on the following link for more career advice.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Qetesha (Tesha) New Examiner Title

Qetesha (Tesha) new examiner title follows. If you like the article subscribe for updates.

The opening reception for the “In a Perfect World” exhibit was held at the Beverly Art Center on May 17, 2013 (7:00 pm-9:00 pm). The exhibition showcases the art of four artists whose works are influenced by nature. The artists explore humanity’s experience with spirituality and the natural elements. The exhibit has depth and range, as the viewing audience experiences the perspectives of four different artists’ interpretations of the same subject matter. Nature is a rich source of inspiration and the four artists who contributed their paintings to the “In a Perfect World” exhibit use their imaginations to transport viewers to an imaginative place.

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Monday, May 6, 2013

Special Olympics 2013 at Thornwood High School

The Special Olympics Area 7 Spring Games took place on May 4, 2013. It was a wonderful event with a large number of volunteers, special Olympic athletes, and fans in attendance. The Games provided an excellent opportunity to volunteer, network, and meet like-minded individuals. The day was filled with enthusiasm, excitement, and camaraderie.

For the entire story visit:

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Sunday, April 7, 2013

Arc Gallery 40th Anniversary Show

Enjoy the pictures from the Arc Gallery 40th Anniversary Show.

April 6, 2013, 4pm-6pm.

Exhibiting artists: Granite Amit, Sherry Antonini, Patricia Armato, Kina Bagovska, Jennifer Barnett Hensel, Hilary Barreto, Buff Bethlen, Carrie Betlyn-Eder, Marjorie Blackwell, Karen Bondarchuk, Rine Boyer, Julie Bray, Monica Brown, Peter Bullock, Wanrudee Buranakorn, Sue Cahill, Susan Case, Esther Charbit, Jeffrie Chirchirillo, Roopa Choodamani, Gayle Cole, Marie France Cournoyer, Stacy Elko, June Finnegan, Therese Flood, Sara Frankel, Charlotte Freed, Nancy Fritz, Anne Farley Gaines, Shelley Gilchrist, Iris Goldstein, Elaine Angel Gomer, Jessica Gondek, Rudy Gonzalez, Joni Gruber, Qetesha Haynes, Simone Hester, Kerry Hirth, Pamela Hobbs, Terri Horning, John Howard, Amy Jahnke, Lucy Jahns, Patricia Kalidonis, Charlotte Kaplan, Joe Karlovec, Jan Kelley, Irmgard Kilb Koehler, Carolyne King, Kim Kissinger Marino, Pauline Kochanski, Caine Krieger, Judy Langston, Daniel Larson, Debra Levie, Maddie Madding, Jeane McGrail, Mimi McKay, Angie McMonigal, Jennifer McNulty, Lisa Miranda, Ruti Modlin, Lucy Mueller, SJ Navage, Joanna Neff, Ketch Neff, Geoffrey Novelli, Ann O'Brien, Jan Parker, Josemiguel Perera, Roxanne Phillips, Jon Pickell, Audrius Plioplys, Cheri Reif Naselli, Alice Revelski, Gesualdo Romeo, David Ruff, William Saar, Gerry Santora, Mary Schiller, Tamara Staser-Meltzer, Tamara Staser-Meltzer, Jane Stevens, Chentell Stiritz, Michele Stutts, Allison Syltie, Jonathan Syltie, Michele Thrane, Karen Tichy, April Van Dam, Constance Vepstas, Dominique Vitali, Sonja Weber Gilkey, Christopher Weeks, Jennifer Weigel, Elizabeth Whiteley, Terri Willits, Serene Wise, Marj Woodruff, Jungyul Yu, Ming Zhou, and Amy Zucker.
As always we appreciate your comments and questions.

Animation Increases Traffic - Examiner Article

Visit the Chicago Career Examiner for the full Article

For more examiner article by Qetesha (Tesha) Haynes and cartoons please visit the link below.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

πGuy Formula Trailer

We have a new animation for you below. Lets us know what you think.

πGuy Formula Trailer
Learn how to create your animation by reading the following article.
It is rewarding to create a simple animation for your digital portfolio because it shows off your creativity. An animation will make your portfolio stand out among other creative professionals. The process is fairly easy; you only need to have basic Adobe software skills and a little patience. If you are more ambitious or have more advanced skills, then by all means use Autodesk Maya or Anime Pro.
No matter what your skill level is, you are capable of making an engaging animation for your website. Use your imagination to make a quick storyboard. The storyboard acts as your blueprint in creating your animation. This step is necessary because it is vital to have a clear plan and timeline. It will likely take a few hours to create a two-minute animation, but the time can vary based on the complexity.

Article Source: 
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Remember to "Think Outside the Word!"
Thank You:)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Egg Creatures

Check out my new website about Egg Creatures.

Enjoy the video below.

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Friday, March 1, 2013

New Examiner Article

You’ve done a great job by diligently working hard. It is time for you to reward yourself for all of the hours that you’ve clocked on your employment search. You likely spent a great deal of time updating your resume and rewording your cover letter to fit each company to which you applied. You were likely contacted for at least one interview; you may even have scheduled several of them. You did what is necessary to achieve your goal of finding a rewarding career opportunity.
For the rest of this article please visit the following link.

Monday, February 4, 2013